Our players got to playtest a new V&V adventure and even got a peek at the V&V 3.0 system! Stay tuned for news of even more convention appearances…
Archive for Monkey House News
Visit the Cubicle Seven Store AND don’t forget to ask your favorite local gaming store to order the Villains and Vigilantes 2.1 rulebook, and the Intercrime: Hostile Takeover introductory adventure for their shelves! Huzzah!
One year ago, Monkey House Games released its first products, including Villains and Vigilantes 2.1. V&V 2.1 is still on the RPGnow Top 100 list one year later, and now it is also available in game shops around the world[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Find Ancient Evil on RPGNow!
Monkey House Games salutes the first responders at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. We salute the passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 93, the victims and survivors of the attack at the Pentagon, as well as[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Tomorrow at RockCon in Rockford, IL Jack will be running a gaming event that will actually be a playtest session for a new VILLAINS AND VIGILANTES™ adventure. The name of the event is “The Big Bash” and it features the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Jack, here! It was great meeting the players at Rock-Con, and we had a great time at “The Big Bash”. This next weekend brings Windy-Con in Schaumburg, IL and another Villains and Vigilantes™ event. See you there!
Saturday, November 12th, at Windy-Con in Schaumburg, IL, Jack will be running “Counter-Attack At The Crusher Compound”. Come play, or just drop by and say Hi!
Thanks to all of our many players and friends for making 2011 such a blast. Next year looks to be even better. Be safe and be happy, and may all your resolutions be successfully achieved in 2012!
Just in case you hadn’t seen this for yourself yet, game designer, musician and all-around cool guy Dave Woodrum (under his monicker Tree Dweller, and through his company Fishwife Games) has dozens of extremely wonderful music tracks available for sale[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…